Pool maintenance might be the perfect option if you’re looking for a side hustle that will generate a passive income. This blog post will outline the steps you need to take to start your own pool maintenance company in 2022. We’ll discuss what equipment you need and the marketing and advertising strategies you can use to get your business up and to run. So whether you’re looking for a summer job or want to create a permanent source of passive income, read on for all the information you need to get started!
1. What is pool maintenance, and why is it a great side hustle option?
Before you start a pool cleaning business, you first need to understand what it entails.
Pool maintenance companies are responsible for keeping pools clean and safe for swimmers. This includes skimming debris off the surface, vacuuming the pool floor, and checking and balancing pool chemicals. While Pool Cleaning is not difficult, it is essential to understand that pool cleaning is a service-based industry that usually requires a contract and ongoing maintenance.
Customers who pay monthly for a pool cleaning service expect to have their Pool cleaned. This requires weekly visits and an organized schedule. It also means you may get phone calls from irritated clients who wonder why their Pool is turning green.
While pool cleaning may not be the most glamorous side hustle, it can be a great way to generate passive income. And with a little bit of research and planning, you can start your own pool maintenance company in 2022 and be ready for an influx of customers in the spring of 2023.
Why is Pool Cleaning an excellent side hustle?
First, it doesn’t cost a lot of money and let’s face it, in today’s sucky economy, many of us don’t have a lot of extra cash at our disposal..
Secondly, it’s pretty easy to manage yourself. You don’t have to share any money with an employee (or your wife).
The third reason pool cleaning is fantastic is that it can become a semi-passive income in warmer climates. A pool in Florida requires year-round maintenance, but a collection in Maine only involves a couple of months of work.
Final pool cleaning is scalable. You can start with one Pool and then add more pools to your route as you get more clients.

Why does owning a pool cleaning company suck?
First off, it is f**cking hot. You are working n the summer. When everyone else is on vacation, you are working.
The second reason pool cleaning companies can be a pain in the ass is that you have to drive around all day. You are using your gas and racking up miles on your car. Chlorine is highly corrosive and will rust the shit out of your truck bed.
The customers are the third reason pool maintenance companies can occasionally be a drag. You will get the great ones that are happy to see you and tell all their friends about your pool cleaning company.
You will also get the nightmare pool owners who call you every other day to complain that there is a leaf in their pool. The best thing to do with this kind of person is to refund their money and save your sanity.
The final reason pool companies can sometimes be a hassle is it physically demanding. So you cannot be a wimp and own a pool company.

3. What equipment do you need for pool maintenance?
Not much, which is excellent for those of us who are on a budget. You will need basic pool cleaning supplies like a pole, brush, vacuum, and hose. You can find all of these items at your local pool supply store.
And, of course, you need the chemical required to keep the Pool balanced. A Testing kit and testing strips are needed. Chlorine, Baking Ash, Stabilizer (Cyanuric Acid), PH+, Muriatic Acid, and Calcium are the essential chemicals you will need to get someone’s Pool ready to swim.
You will also need a truck or van to store your equipment and supplies. Eventually, it would be wise to purchase a commercial vacuum to speed up the process.
That’s all there is to it. I recently started a pool company on a budget and spent under a thousand dollars on chemical and essential cleaning equipment.
4. What are the marketing and advertising strategies for pool maintenance companies?
The good news is that you do not need a massive marketing budget to get started. Most pool companies have a high turnover of customers. This means there are always clients available.
Word of Mouth and Socal Media
The best way to get pool cleaning customers is by word of mouth. Tell all your friends and family that you have started a pool company. You can also pass out business cards at local pool supply stores or post flyers in neighborhoods with pools.
Build a Website
Another great way to market your pool company is online. You can create a simple website using a free builder like Snapps.Ai. Most local pool companies do not even have a website, so creating an excellent site and performing your competition should be easy.
Free Map Listings
Get a free Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Apple Map Listing. Over 70% of people looking for a pool maintenance company will use a business map listing to find a service provider.
5. How can you generate a passive income through pool maintenance?
First off, I don’t think passive income genuinely exists. I believe people should use the word semi-passive when it comes to income.
Like similar seasonal companies, most of your money is made in certain seasons. The pool cleaning season usually starts in early spring and is booming until the mid-summer. A person wanting to start a pool company can quickly fill their calendar for the entire year if they strategically plan and market at the beginning of the year.
The only way to generate passive pool maintenance income is by hiring employees or contractors to do the work for you. This will free up your time to focus on other things like marketing and acquiring new customers. Which still consumes your precious time.
Contract customers are a benefit of having a pool company. The contracted Client pays you a monthly fee all year round. This benefits them since their pools are clean all year, and you get the same monthly payment, even though the effort needed to maintain a collection drastically diminishes during winter.
Is it Hard to keep a pool clean?
So, I guess if you are still reading, I can assume you are serious about starting your own pool maintenance company. Assuming you haven’t worked for a pool cleaning company before, chances are you don’t know about cleaning a pool.
BONUS: You get to play with dangerous chemicals. So if you were the kid that burned a hole in your carpet with your chemistry set as a kid, then this job is perfect for you.
But seriously, it is not difficult to learn how to test and understand pool chemistry. There is tons of free information online and a place where you can learn everything you need about pool maintenance for a little bit of money.
The key is to Start small and grow your pool business as you gain experience. I recommend starting with residential pools because they usually work less than a commercial pool. You can increase the number of days you work or the number of clients you have as you get more comfortable with pool maintenance.
Making it Official Register your Pool Cleaning Business
Ready to take the plunge? Well, First Thing you need to do is come up with a name for your pool business. Check with your local state and see if you are required to have a DBA (Doing Business As) or an LLC (Limited Liability Company)
Get your Licenses and Insurance
You will also need to get a business license and purchase insurance for your pool company. This is important because you could be sued if something goes wrong while cleaning a pool. Let’s face it no one has the time for that.
Set up your financial account
Last but not least, you need to set up your financial accounts. This includes a bank account for your pool business, QuickBooks or other accounting software, and a credit card processor. You will need these things to track your income and expenses and accept customer payments. Plus, Don’t forget the government wants its cut, so make sure to keep some on the side for Uncle Sam!
You have everything you need to know about starting your pool cleaning business in 2022.
But Just telling you how to start a pool cleaning company and rolling it out without giving you the secrets to being successful is not going to cut it. So in my next blog post, I will provide you with the pool-cleaning business secrets no one tells you about. So stay tuned!
Starting a business is not an easy venture. Understanding the basics of economics and entrepreneurship is vital to the success of any business. However, with the proper foundation in place, owning any business can be a rewarding experience, both financially and emotionally.
The Best Side Hustle of 2022
My success in owning and starting a business has a mentor to learn from. I would not have been as successful without the help and guidance of my mentor. If you are considering starting a pool business or any other business, find yourself a good mentor. It will make all the difference in your success. I learned how to start a business in any market and be successful in a Lead generation.