Introducing the firefighter side hustles blog

by Sep 25, 20220 comments

Hello and welcome to the firefighter side hustles blog! This is a space for men and women who serve as firefighters to talk about the various ways we make extra income. Whether through online businesses, Odd jobs, or otherwise, this is a place to share advice, tips, and tricks for making our side hustles successful.

One of the great things about being a firefighter is that we have a lot of transferable skills. We are good at problem-solving, physically fit, and used to working long hours. These qualities make us ideal candidates for starting our businesses or becoming involved in other ventures outside of firefighting.

Why do most firefighters need or want to make extra money?


Firefighters, in any people’s opinion, are underpaid. According to ZipRecruiter, the average firefighter in the United States makes an annual salary of $48,302. North Carolina firefighters are paid the lowest across the country, whereas New York firefighters belong to the highest-paid bracket at $57,325 annually.

In today’s economy, it is not unusual for anyone two needs two streams of income to make ends meet. However, for firefighters, who are often in charge of supporting a family, having a side hustle is almost necessary. Many Firefighters find work opportunities that can fit within their schedule. For this reason, most need flexible hours and find an employer to work with them or start their own business.

annual mean wage of firefighters by state image

Sense of Control

Another reason a side hustle is important is that it gives us a sense of control over our lives. We are often at the mercy of our schedules, and it can be easy to feel like we are always on call. Having a side hustle gives us something to focus on outside work and can help us feel like we are in charge of our destinies. 

Firefighters and other first responders should be proud of their actions and how they help save people’s lives. Nevertheless, often, as human beings, we long for something more. A side hustle can give us a creative outlet, a way to make extra money, and a sense of control over our lives. So if you are a firefighter and are thinking about starting a side hustle, this blog is for you!

Pay For Hobbies

Let’s Face it. There is more to life than being the first person on a drug overdose or car accident scene. Firefighters have hobbies just like anyone else. Some may be woodworking, while others like building and flying drones, fishing, or hunting. Hobbies can be expensive, and having a way to generate more income can help alleviate some financial stress and allow firefighters to spend more money on their hobbies.

Pay For Hobbies

Let’s Face it. There is more to life than being the first person on a drug overdose or car accident scene. Firefighters have hobbies just like anyone else. Some may be woodworking, while others like building and flying drones, fishing, or hunting. Hobbies can be expensive, and having a way to generate more income can help alleviate some financial stress and allow firefighters to spend more money on their hobbies.

Finding a Side Hustle

The best place to start when looking for a side hustle is usually within the realm of one’s hobbies. What are they good at? What do they like to do in their spare time? Do they have any unique skills or talents others might be willing to pay for? If so, then they might have the beginnings of a successful side hustle.

For example, let us say someone likes to work on cars. They might consider starting a mobile auto-detailing business where they go to people’s homes or workplaces and clean and detail their vehicles. Alternatively, if someone is handy with tools, they could start a small business doing home repairs or odd jobs for people in their community.

The potential is endless when it comes to generating income from a side hustle, and how much a person can make is only limited by their imagination. Our article 5 best side jobs for firefighters delves into what works well and not so well, providing insight if looking for supplemental income outside a regular job. So if you are a firefighter wanting to bring in some extra cash, do not limit yourself – get creative!

Once you have found your niche, it is essential to start planning and organizing your side hustle so that it can be successful. This means setting goals, creating a budget, and ensuring that you stay motivated throughout the process. Tips for doing this will be discussed in future posts, so stay tuned! 


Whether through online businesses like lead generation, odd jobs, or otherwise, having a side hustle is a great way to supplement our income and give us a sense of control over our lives. 

Jarret Miller

Jarret Miller

Coming from a contractor background, I ventured into lead generation in 2020 and became a full-time internet entrepreneur by 2021.

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